Your Relationship Garden
Do you and your partner feel like you’re on different pages regarding communication, your sex life or parenting? Or maybe you want to break out of the same stressful patterns of relating to each other?
Perhaps your relationship garden needs tending to, here’s what I mean…
If we think of your relationship like a garden here’s a few ideas to create a beautiful relationship garden:
1. WEED: pull out the weeds that have overtaken your garden from years of neglect. Just like a relationship, we often become so busy that we don’t tend to our garden and it gets over run with weeds (bad habits, hurt feelings of anger and resentments). Make heart felt repairs for problems in the past and commit to changing poor behaviors that caused weeds to grow.
2. SEED: if you want beautiful flowers to grow in a garden you’ll need to plant seeds. In a relationship these “seeds” can look like sharing things you appreciate about your partner, looking for the good in your partner and relationship and seeing each other with new, kinder eyes. Also touching each other in small ways, such as holding hands, sitting together on the couch talking while touching, etc and limiting TV and phone use.
3. FEED: Just as a garden needs watering and feeding with fertilizer, your relationship needs the same things consistently. Remember the things you used to do when dating? Do them again! Date each other again and be attentive to each other’s needs, wishes and desires. Be sure to have fun and create new experiences together, not just on vacations but in small ways every day. Also increasing touch in your relationship will feed your connection, such as going to bed together and snuggling, massages and physical intimacy.
One of the ways to create little moments of connection every day is to create a Caring Behavior List. Each of you creates a list of things you remember your partner doing for you in the past, currently or things you’d love them to do for you in the future. Share your list with each other and do one thing off your partner’s list each day.
As you do these 3 steps, WEED, SEED, FEED your relationship garden will grow and thrive helping both of you to feel closer emotionally and physically. I’m here to help your garden grow, if you need support feel free to reach out to me at: [email protected]